Monday, November 12, 2018

Author D R Hann Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, One Last Adventure part 1

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Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, One Last Adventure

By D R Hann
PDH Publisher

Copyrights and Notices
Copyright © 2018 by D.R. Hann
All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author, me, D. R. Hann.
Some names, characters, places and or incidents are fictitious and are of the author’s imagination.


The continuing story of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.
Now 1943; both are living in a home for the elderly, Huck is now eighty, and Tom is now seventy-nine.
Maybe with just a little luck, there is one more adventure for the both of them.

Together Again

“Tom, here we are in this God-forsaken place where the old go to die.”
“Well Huck, I had a good life, guess I am ready for the end.”
“Ready for the end?  Not me Tom, I want one more adventure, and if they took me, I would join up and fight those Nazis.”
“One more adventure?  How in the hell do you plan to do that?”
“Not sure Tom, but as sure as it rains here in St. Kingston, Missouri, I am going on another adventure.
I might even seek over there and fight the Nazis on my own.”

Monday, November 5, 2018

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Bible Facts not Fiction and Possibilities Part 2

To read the whole book search the title

The Books of the Bible
FACT:  The three most quoted books in the New Testament are Deuteronomy, Psalms and Isaiah.
FACT:  The books of Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Daniel were not included in the Christian canonized books until the Council of Trent in 1546 A.D. but were included in the Hebrew Bible.
FACT:  There are a lot of different Bibles in the world.  I don’t know whether anyone knows the answer of how many there are.
 FACT:  The first five books of the Bible are called The Torah, Pentateuch, or The Five Books of Moses.
The twelve Minor Prophets, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,  Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, are just one book in the Hebrew Bible, called, “The Book of Twelve.”
The first and second Books of Kings are one book titled, ‘Kings,’ as are the first and second Book of Samuel and the First and Second Books of Chronicles.
The Book of Ezra and the Book of Nehemiah is one book in the Hebrew Bible.  The Hebrew Bible is also called the Tanakh, the Law or the Torah.
The Prophets or Nebhim
 FACT:  Prophet is an individual who has contact with a divine supernatural being, an intermediary between mankind and a divine supernatural being.
 The bringing of newfound knowledge, their message is called a prophecy. 
 The former prophets were; Joshua, Judges, Samuel 1 – 2 and Kings 1 – 2
The latter prophets were Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
 The Book of 12 was Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
The Writings in the book are Kethubhim or Hagiographa.
The poetical books are Psalms, Proverbs, and Job.
The five scrolls are Megilloth.
Song of Songs is Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther.
The Historical books are Daniel, Ezra – Nehemiah, and Chronicles 1 – 2. 
 Here are the books of the Bible most people read.  I have included information about each book, the author, outline of contents and the number of chapters.
 Hebrew or B’reshyth means, in the beginning.  This may date back to the 8th Century B.C.E.
The author is Moses, but could have been penned by as many as three others.
Outline of Content:  The Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Noah and the flood, the Tower of Babel, Shem, Abram, Abraham, Esau, Joseph, and the Israelites in Egypt.  Chapters, 50
Hebrew or Shemot means the second word.   
 The author is the same as Genesis.
 Outline of content:  Israelites as slaves in Egypt, the birth and early life of Moses, Moses and Aaron confront the king, the Passover and departure from Egypt, from the Red Sea, to Mount Sinai, the Law and Covenant, and instructions for worship. Chapters, 40

 Hebrew or Wayiqra means and he (Jahwe, God) called.  From this book, Chapter 19:18, which Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as you would love yourself.”
 The author is the same as Genesis.
Outline of content:  Laws, offerings, sacrifices, ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests, laws about clean and unclean, Day of Atonement, Laws about holiness, and life and worship. Chapters, 27
Hebrew or Bamidbar means in the desert. This may date back to the 8th Century B.C.E.
The author is the same as Genesis.
Outline of content:  Israelites prepare to leave Mount Sinai, first census, laws and rules, second Passover, Mount Sinai to Moab, a summary of their journey, instructions before crossing the Jordan. Chapters, 36
 Hebrew or Devarim means spoken word.
This is the last book in the Books of Moses.
 The author is the same as Genesis.
 Outline of content:  Moses’ first discourse, and second discourse, the Ten Commandments, laws, rules, warnings, instructions for entering Canaan, Covenant renewed, Moses’ last words and death. Chapters, 34
Hebrew or Yhoshua, parallels between Joshua and Moses.
 The author could be one or more, it never names the author.
Outline of content:  Conquest of the land of Canaan, division of the land, the land east and west of the Jordan, cities of refuge, cities of the Levites, eastern tribes return to their lands, Joshua’s farewell, the covenant is renewed at Shechem.  Chapters, 24
Hebrew, Shoftim.
May be the Books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings actually make up a single work, written by just one author, called, The Deuteronomistic History.
 Author is unknown, maybe just one.
Outline of content:  The death of Joshua, the Judges of Israel, including Samson, Israel’s war against the Benjaminites. Chapters, 21
Hebrew, Megilath, or the scroll of Ruth. 
She is the great-grandmother of David.
The book does not identify the author, but traditionally given to Samuel.
 Outline of content:  Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem, Ruth meets Boaz, they marry. Chapters, 4
Samuel 1
Hebrew, Sh’muel.
This was originally the Book of Kings, which consisted of Samuel 1 and 2 and the two Books of Kings.
 Authors are Samuel, Gad and Nathan.
Outline of content:  Samuel as judge, Saul is king, David and Saul, the deaths of Saul and his sons. Chapters, 31

Samuel 2
 Hebrew, Sh’muel.
Authors are Samuel, Gad and Nathan.
Outline of content:  David’s reign, David and Bathsheba, David’s song of victory. Chapters, 24
Kings 1
Hebrew, Sepher M’lakhim.
Kings 1 and 2 are one book.
The author is uncertain.
Outline of content:  The end of David’s reign, Solomon as king, the temple is built, the divided kingdom, the kings of Judah and Israel, the prophet Elijah, King Ahab, Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah. Chapters, 22
Kings 2
Hebrew, Sepher M’lakhim.
Outline of content:  The divided kingdom, the Prophet Elisha, kings of Judah and Israel, fall of Samaria, Kingdom of Judah, kings; from Herzekiah to Josiah, Josiah’s reign, last King of Judah, fall of Jerusalem. Chapters, 25
Chronicles 1
 Hebrew, Dibh’re Hayyamim, meaning, the matter of the days, book of the days of the kings of Judah, and book of the days of the kings of Israel.
This material in Chronicles 1 and 2 was composed of materials from the day books from Samuel and the kings.
 The author is uncertain, but it was more than one.
Outline of content:  Genealogies, death of Saul, reign of David, preparations for building the temple. Chapters, 29
Chronicles 2
 Hebrew, Dibh’re Hayyamim.
 This is the final book of the Jewish Bible.
Outline of content:  Reign of Solomon, the Temple is built, revolt of the northern tribes, kings of Judah, fall of Jerusalem. Chapters, 36
Was originally the book of Ezra – Nehemiah
Ezra may have also authored the books of Chronicles.
The author is Ezra.
Outline of contents:  First return from exile, the Temple is rebuilt and dedicated, Ezra returns from exile. Chapters, 10
Hebrew, Nehemya, comforted of the Lord. Hehemiah was a drink server at the royal table for the King of Persia.
Was originally the Book of Ezra – Nehemiah.
The author is Nehemiah
Outline of contents:  Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, walls of Jerusalem rebuilt, the law is read, the Covenant is renewed, dedicates the city walls, Nehemiah’s reforms. Chapters, 13
Or Megillah is the celebration of Purim, the Jewish holiday for the deliverance out of the Persian Empire.  The text is to be read twice during this celebration, once in the evening and again the following morning.
 Author is Mordecai.
Outline of contents:  Esther becomes queen, Haman’s plots, Haman is put to death, and the Jews defeat their enemies. Chapters, 10
The author is Job.
Outline of contents:  Satan tests Job, Job and his friends, Job’s complaint, first, second, and third dialogues, praise of wisdom, Job’s final statement, speeches of Elihu, the Lord’s answer, conclusion. Chapters, 42
 Hebrew or Tehillim; praises.
 Most say the author of Psalms is the work of David, others say they are the work of many.