Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Bible Facts not Fiction and Possibilities

This book is available everywhere, I think?

This book can be found at smashwords

You can read 50% of this book before you buy.

 First, who am I?
 FACT:  I am not a pastor, priest, minster, or leader of any church or religious organization.
I am a researcher of God’s holy history, a Biblical historian, theologian, and Biblical philosopher.
I know one thing for sure, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, most people are Bible illiterate.
 People forget that Luke and Mark were not apostles or eyewitnesses to Jesus.  
 The Bible you read, and what you may have been taught in church, may not be the facts.
To really understand the Bible, you must do research of the Bible, and we must go back to the way the Bible was originally written, which was in Hebrew because once the Bible was translated, the true meaning was changed.
The words set down in the Bible have been translated from Hebrew to Greek and then into English.
 Example:  Hell
If darkness is Hell, along with the Hebrew word Sheol, meaning grave or pit, then Hell may be the sleep of death until judgment day.
What will happen after we die?
 FACT:  Matthew 22:29
So why did I not write the answer?
Because I believe it is more satisfying finding the answer for one’s own self. 
The basic facts of the Bible are, for the most part, true.
Everyday more and more important evidence is being found proving the Bible is correct but what you may have learned, what you may know, may be incorrect.
You can keep up with new Biblical finds at www.biblicalarchaeology.org
 I highly recommend this site and their extensive library.  
 A lot of things written in the Bible are not what we were led to believe.

 It was, and is, the duty of religious leaders, who should be known as brothers, to teach the true facts of the Bible, which they have not done.
What should a Christian leader be called? If you are a Christian leader, the leader of a church, then what do you call yourself?  FACT:  Matthew 23:8 A sad fact is they do not even know.  It is like the blind leading the blind.
To truly understand anything, you must study and do research.
Please remember the Bible was translated so, therefore, you must look to see what the original word or term actually meant before you can say you understand. 
 Remember, we are only here because of and for God.  This is summed up in the Book of Ecclesiastes, life is futile, therefore, spend your time on things which are important, like GOD!
 I liken what Christians learn about God’s holy history as the same as math.  Basically, there are numbers, which can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided, but where someone has taught you how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide the wrong way, which would give you the wrong answer.
 FACT:  Not all events and people of the Bible have a historical trail (meaning; it is possible that some of what we read in the Bible may not be exactly correct).  It was man who wrote the stories. This FACT is very important to remember. It was not God who wrote the Bible, but men who thought what God would say or what God meant.
If you are taught something that is not the truth, and you do not do research, then how will you know what you are learning is the truth?
Never doing research to what the truth really is, is like the blind walking and saying they know where they are going.
  Man has always bent the Bible to their own satisfaction.  Such as religious leaders saying you must believe no matter what or saying this is our doctrine so, therefore, you must believe for it is right and true.
 These same religious leaders who were taught the same wrong doctrine now go and teach the same wrong doctrine.  It is the blind leading the blind.  The truth is the truth, man cannot change the truth.
 If you want to see what the church can stand for, and there is a very dark side then please watch the documentary, directed by Oren Jacoby, in 2007, “Constantine’s Sword.”  It is based on a book by the same name written by James Carroll.  I believe this is a must see film.
FACT:  Many Christians don't even know of the knowledge and facts the Bible contains, and are unaware of how the Bible was even canonized; how the Bible came to be what we call the Bible today.
 FACT:  The four gospels were originally Matthew, John, Luke and Mark but only Matthew and John were companions (apostles) of Jesus).  Luke and Mark were not companions or even eye witnesses of Jesus.
As you read, you may find important persons and events omitted, like Abraham.  The reason is when doing my research, and at the time I wrote this book, I could not find any historical data on the subjects.
The reason I did write about Adam and Eve is I only wanted to point out what you may not have learned about them, and other very good possibilities into what might have taken place.
FACT:  The Ethiopian church is the oldest continuously existing church in the world.
 Ethiopian Christianity believes in the Book of Enoch.  This church still retains several Pagan and Jewish traditions.
If I have missed anything or missed any FACTS, I can only say I did my best to make sure what I wrote was correct.
FACT:  From the Apocryphal Acts of John,on the night before his arrest, Jesus said to his apostles, “Form a circle around me and dance.” As the apostles danced, Jesus sang a hymn and the apostles responded with a series of Amen.
 Because this was Gnostic, it disappeared under the Roman Christian Empire.  
To all who would like to understand the Bible, know that there is a difference between a theology and a dogma, or between theology and Bible studies.
No one living can really know God.  We only think we know God.  Because we live in this materialistic world, it is impossible for anyone to truly know God.  The only way we will know God is after we have passed on to the spirit world.   
 Please read an article from the magazine Biblical Archeology Review, Mar/ Apr 2012, titled, “Biblical Views:  The Bible Divide,” by Mary Joan Winn Leith.    

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