Thursday, June 15, 2017

Curious and Gifted People The Case of the Black Widow Killer And The Case of the Grimm Brothers / Read the First 50% Free

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Curious and Gifted People

The Case of the Black Widow Killer
The Case of the Grimm Brothers

 By D R Hann
PDH Publishing

 Copyrights and Notices
Copyright © 2017 by D.R. Hann
All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author, me, D. R. Hann.
Some, names, characters, places and or incidents are fictitious and are of the author’s imagination.


This is the sequel for my book, “In search of my Elusive Unicorn” and the prequel to my book, “Elkosh.”
Three intellectually challenged but gifted adults and one FBI agent, named Mack Jessup, hoping to bring the Black Widow and the Grimm brothers to justice.
Three intellectually challenged adults with special powers; Meg, who can sense things; Charles, hears things and Lilly, can see things.
Mack, an FBI agent for nine years wants to have a case that you only read about in books.  So far he has only had slow moving and boring white collar cases; now his time has come.
Megan Habersham, a twenty eight year old, who is bold and brash, who if she feels you are lying to her will tell you off.
Charles Boyer is a twenty five year old, who insists that you call him Charles and not Chuck. He loves comics, movies and is a walking sports encyclopedia.
Lilly Martin, an eighteen year old, who almost never speaks and is in her own little world; but never touch her stuff.
Together, they will try to find the Black Widow killer and the Grimm brothers and bring them to justice.    

My other books may be found at Amazon or Smashwords

 The Case of the Black Widow Killer

FBI agent Mack Jessup
Bitterly, I take care of bank fraud and white collar crimes, but since Warren is on vacation, I have been relegated to check on a lead in a Plant City murder investigation.
But why is the FBI investigating a matter which should be done by the local jurisdiction?  Seems a caller said she would only speak to the FBI, that she has solid information concerning the poison murder of Henry Blanko.
A note left at the scene stated, “I am the Black Widow; this is not my first and will not be my last.”
The caller said she knew some important information which she would like to pass on.
When asked if she could please visit the FBI office, she said the only way that she was giving the information out was for an FBI agent to visit her.
When checking out the address, I find that it is a group home for the mentally disabled.
When I call the person listed as in charge, a Betty Selby, she replies she has no idea what I am talking about, case closed.
Two hours later, I receive a call from Betty Selby who states that one of her female adults living there says they have information about this crime, but is only willing to tell an FBI agent.
So I guess I will be visiting the group home for the mentally disabled.
This will give me a short day tomorrow and who does not need a short day from time to time.

 Megan, Charles and Lilly

I arrive at eleven and, for safety reasons; I leave my weapon in the car. 
I ring the door bell and I can hear a small dog barking with the sound getting closer until a young man, with a small barking dog in his arms, opens the door.
“Hi, I’m FBI Agent Mack Jessup.”
The young man just stands there with the small barking dog and not speaking a word.  I’m thinking, okay, now what?
A thin and very tall middle aged woman, with dark black hair, comes to the door and tells the young man, whose name is John, to move so that their guest may enter.
Betty Selby says, “I guess I should have told you that Megan Habersham, the person who wants to speak to you is not here right now, will not be here until after work.”
When I say, “Okay I’ll be back after one,” Betty suggests that I stay and be their guest for lunch and I can answer any questions that the residents may have about the FBI.
Okay, I’ll be the Show and Tell
During lunch of hot dogs, chips and fruit drinks, the questions come like rapid fire.  A man, named Charles, who does not have that Downs Syndrome look but you can tell by the way he speaks and acts that he is mentally disabled, keeps asking me about my gun, to which I keep replying it’s a weapon.
I am glad I left my weapon in the car, as I am positive that Charles would like to see it, hold it and try to shoot it. 
Just when the questions are dying down and almost all of the residents have left the room, except for Charles who keeps questioning me about my gun, Megan, who has that Downs Syndrome look, walks in and introduces herself, “Hi, I’m Megan Habersham, you can call me Meg.  Yes, I would like that, call me Meg.  I’m twenty eight years old, I work at McDonalds, I like it and I get free food.”
It is her very curly blond hair which stands out on her and the first thing that comes to mind is Shirley Temple.
“Someday, I am buying my own home, get married and having three children.  Oh, I take art classes, painting, three times a week and I am pretty darn good.”   
Meg asks if I have my gun and once more I reply, “My weapon?  No, I left it in the car.”
Meg says, “A good thing, because Chuck.....”
At which time Charles says to Meg, “My name is Charles not Chuck.”
Meg continues by saying, “well Chuck would like to kiss me.”
Charles says that Meg is out of her mind and  Meg says that she knows she is different but what is Chuck’s excuse, and if she had my gun, Chuck would certainly try and get it and try to shoot it and, knowing Chuck, he probably would have shot someone or himself.  
 Betty Selby to the rescue; she demands an apology from Meg and Charles to me and each other.
After Charles and Betty leave the room, Meg looks at me, smiles, and asks me, “What do you call people like her?”
Dumbfounded for a few seconds, I reply, “Mentally disabled.”
Meg says, “No, you are dead wrong, we are intellectually challenged, so please spread the word.”
I ask Meg if she is always brash and bold and Meg replies, “I know and I am trying not to be brash or bold as I have almost been fired three times at McDonalds but since I have that job I have gotten a lot better.”
Meg continues, “I have just one more question,” while looking at my card, “FBI Agent Mack Jessup, how would you describe me?”
“You are approximately five feet two inches tall, weigh approximately one hundred and twenty pounds….”
“FBI Agent Mack Jessup, my weight is all in the right places.”
I continue, “You are approximately twenty to twenty five years of age.”
“Thank you FBI Agent Mack Jessup.  Now how do I look?”  Moving her hand over her face, she repeats her question, “What do you call this look, FBI Agent Mack Jessup?”
“I believe the clinical name would be Downs Syndrome.”
“Correct, as I am no Mongo, as people used to say, look at her, she has Mongolism.”
Feeling uncomfortable, I state, “Meg, you called the FBI stating you have information about the the murder of Henry Blanko, please tell me the information you have?”
“FBI Agent Mack Jessup, please don’t feel uncomfortable, I know what I am and I am very comfortable with it.
To know that you are really an FBI agent, I want to see your identification.”
Once more, dumbfounded for a few seconds, I take out my ID and hand it to Meg.
“Nice, you are thirty three years old, are you married?”
Once more, Meg has caught me off guard with her questioning.
“Yes Meg, I am.”
“You are a handsome man; I guess your wife is good looking?”
I’m thinking intellectually disabled my butt; Meg is more with it than a lot of people I know.
“Meg, this is my wife,” showing a glamour shot of my wife Britt.
“She is hot, wish she was not so hot.”
I want to ask Meg what she meant by that last statement but I find myself leaving well enough alone.
“Meg, what information do you have about the Henry Blanko murder?”
Meg calls out for Charles but still calls him Chuck and calls out for someone named Lilly. Once more, Betty Selby enters the room and reminds Meg not to yell and that she should go and ask Charles and Lilly if they would come into the kitchen.
As Betty is leaving the kitchen, Meg is behind her and gives her the finger.
Two minutes later, Charles enters and takes a seat, followed by Meg, who places her chair right next to me, and a young woman with bright red hair, who has that Downs Syndrome look, stands at the kitchen entrance.  Meg introduces her as Lilly, no talk Lilly.
Before I have a chance to speak, Meg says, “Lilly, I told you that he was hot.”  Lilly shakes her head yes.
Once more, before I have had a chance to speak, Meg tells me that she can sense things about the Henry Blanko murder and Chuck.  Charles is quick to correct Meg for calling him Chuck. Meg says, “Grow up Chuck, this is important and we have a duty to do.”
Meg tells me that Chuck can hear things and all the while Meg is telling me this, Charles keeps correcting Meg about his name.
Meg turns to Lilly and says, “This beautiful non speaking young woman can see things.”
Again, I ask Meg for the information about the Henry Blanko murder.
Meg replies, “Lilly has seen a beautiful red haired woman holding two glasses of wine and has seen Henry drinking from one of the glasses and then Henry falls to the floor, not moving and looks like he is in a deep sleep.
Lilly writes on her notepad, no, I can’t watch another time, too much for me, nightmares, this woman is very bad, very evil, like the devil.
Meg says, “This whole thing is messed up, he made love to her, didn’t know it was her.”
“Meg, what do you mean by this?”
“I sense that Henry knew this evil woman, you call the Black Widow.  Henry knew her but did not know her, I don’t know what that means, do you FBI Agent Mac Jessup?”
“Maybe Henry had known her before but did not recognize her.  Great clue Meg, we will investigate women that Henry knew.
I asked Meg if Lilly got a real good look at the Black Window.  Meg turns to Lilly, Lilly writes, “She had black hair but now is a red head, attractive.”  
Turning to Charles, Meg tells Chuck to tell me what he heard and, once more, Charles is correcting Meg on his name.
Charles says, “I hear this very bad woman telling a man, you don’t know me Henry, you don’t remember me?
I think this bad woman killed that man.”
Interesting how much information they knew about this crime.
Charles says, “We have to stop this woman, she’ll do this bad thing again.”
Meg replies, “Chuck just take a chill pill and tell FBI Agent Mack Jessup what you heard.”
Charles continues, “I hear the man gasping for air, a thud, now it is okay, everything is quiet, no more, no more, that’s three outs and the ballgame is over.”
Lilly is now sitting in a chair with pen and paper rocking and writing.  I asked Lilly if I can see what she has written but Lilly does not seem to hear me and, wanting to see what she has written, I try to take the paper but Lilly jams her pen down into the paper narrowly missing my finger.
Meg talks to Lilly saying that it is important I have a look at the paper because we all want that very bad and evil woman caught and sent to jail where she will only receive bread and water until the day she dies.
Lilly turns the paper so that I may read it but taking care not to touch the paper.
Lilly has written the name Renee three times and at the bottom of the page she gave him a bad drink is written ten times.
As I finish reading what Lilly wrote, Lilly pushes the paper towards me as Meg tells me it’s okay to take the paper now; Lilly wants you to have it.
There has been a lot of news coverage so, at this point, I cannot be sure if they have a gift or not.
 I just want to be sure none of them have seen or heard anything on the news related to the murders.
As I thank them all for their time, Meg wants to know when we will be going after this very bad and evil woman so we can wrap this case up.
I tell Meg that this is a local matter and we must leave it up to the local police.
Meg has her come back, “The local police cannot solve this case without us.  We are the only ones who can bring this bitch to justice.”
Charles keeps poking Meg, who turns and says, “Chuck, okay, okay.” Then turns to me and asks me to ask Chuck any sports question and make it a tough sports question.  Chuck wants you to try and stump him with your question.
Thinking, I asked Charles, “When did America first play communist China in ping pong.”
Thinking I have Charles stumped, Charles thinks for a moment and then answers, “That was called ping pong diplomacy and the United States met China on April 11th to the 17th, 1971.
Like I said before; mentally challenged, my ass.
Thanking all three for their information, I head to the car.
As I am about to pull away, Meg shouts from the door that she has one more important detail.     
Meg runs to my car and asks me if I will let her sit in my car while she tells me what that important information is.
I should have known better as Meg has hiked up her skirt to her thighs.  Okay, I hate to be mean but I tell Meg if she does not behave that she will never see me again, so she pulls her skirt down and tells me that Chuck heard a very loud tick tock, tick tock.
As Meg is leaving she turns and asks, “FBI Agent Mack Jessup, what do we get if we solve this murder?
My reply and expecting any answer, “What do you want?”
“Chuck wants to shoot a gun, Lilly does not care and I, FBI Agent Mack Jessup, do not want to be taken to no circus.  I want you to take me to the movies.
“If you solve this crime, I will see what I can do.”
First, I have to make contact with the Hillsborough County Police as the crime was committed in the Bloomingdale area.
I have to make sure that neither, Meg, Charles or Lilly have ever known Henry or have been to the residence where the murder took place, which seems to be a cluster in itself as the apartment was sublet to a Michael Banda, who sublet it to a Randy Kaufman, who sublet it to a Carol Long, who sublet it to a Renee Hall which we now know is not her real name.
I have heard of people with clairvoyance solving crimes so I will see where this road leads.
Meg, Charles and Lilly are curious people; I hope they can solve this crime.
As past history in solving a crime has shown, when people know a lot about a crime sometimes they themselves are involved.   

 Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department 

I contact detective Anthony Sabatino, with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s department, and as it is time for lunch, we head to a local sub shop that his uncle Joe owns.
“I find being away from the grind and pressure of a police building is more relaxing,” Sabatino says.
I fill in detective Sabatino on my interviews with Meg, Charles and Lilly and state why an FBI agent got involved with this case.  I warned him about Charles and weapons, the bold and brash Meg, who is looking for a boyfriend, and Lilly; never touch her stuff and not to go before one in the afternoon unless he wants to become a show and tell.
As we are leaving, I ask detective Sabatino if there is anything in the apartment that makes a loud noise.  His response, “Funny you mention that, as there is a large grandfather clock in the entry way.”
We shake hands and I ask detective Sabatino to keep me informed on this case.
First, detective Sabatino will see if the three amigos have known Henry Blanko or have ever been to the apartment where the murder took place. 

Back to Square One

I was thinking the Henry Blanko case is in good hands with detective Sabatino but once more I get lucky and I’m caught up with the case, which they are dubbing the Black Widow murder.
Seems when detective Sabatino went to interview Meg, Charles and Lilly, Meg told him to fuck off and that she would not speak to anyone but FBI agent Mack Jessup.
After a meeting with my boss it is decided that I can work with detective Sabatino.
Detective Sabatino fills me in saying that his research does not show that Meg, Charles or Lilly have ever known Henry Blanko or have been to the apartment.
The detective also fills me in on all information about the murder and as far as they know it was poison.  The suspect left no finger prints and it looks like the whole apartment was wiped down with bleach.  She was really careful; must have worn gloves from the time she entered the apartment till after the murder and then wiped the whole apartment with bleach.
They have a witness who says as far as they could tell it was a female and that she always had a hoodie on but did notice her red hair.
This individual was pretty smart when it came to this crime and they were really careful.
“So do you think you can get Meg to speak with me Mack?”
“Let me go and speak with her again and see what I can do.”
Pulling a stuffed teddy bear out of the back seat of his car, Sabatino says, “Here, we give these to children when the sheriff’s department is interacting with them, it may help.”
“If I give Meg that, she may start to call me her boyfriend.”
No teddy bears, just tough love.
I call and speak to Betty Selby and tell her I will be there at two p.m. and will Meg be there, as I do not want to be the show and tell.
Knocking on the door and hearing the little dog barking, I expect to see the silent man, with dog in his arms, opening the door but, once more, I am blindsided by bold, brash Meg who has come to the door in short shorts and a bra.
Before I can say a word, Meg says, “Hello FBI Agent Mack Jessup, do you like what you see?”
Gathering my composure, I tell Meg if she does not put a top on in the next ten seconds I am leaving.
Turning, she says, “Okay I will do it for you, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.  I may be mentally challenged, and I know that I am not Britt, but I have a heart and feelings.”
As Meg goes, hopefully to put a top on, I tell her, “Meg, you are not intellectually challenged, you are more normal than you think,” and thinking but not saying it, and in very much need of a boyfriend. 
Now the silent man with the barking dog is at the door so I smile but the silent man just keeps staring at me.
Meg is back and with a top on, “John, move your ass, this is my very good friend, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.”
The silent man turns and leaves the kitchen.
“Where is Betty Selby?” I inquire.
Meg replies, “She had to go to the store and Betty has left me in charge,” pausing, Meg asks me, “Why don’t you think I can handle that kind of responsibility?”
“Meg, I believe you can do almost anything.”
“Okay, FBI Agent Mack Jessup, I’ll give you a pass this time.”
“Would you like something to drink?”
“No, thank you, Meg, but I want to know why you did not want to speak with”…… and before I can finish, Meg says, “Yes, you want to know why I did not want to speak to detective Sabatino, from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s department.  You know our deal; I will only speak with you and help you solve this crime, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.”
“Meg, is there any way that you will not work with me on this crime?”
“No, not unless you want to leave your wife and marry me, then and only then would I consider working on this crime without you.”
Bold and brash Meg, what will you think of saying next!
“Okay Meg, we will work together on this crime.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to leave your wife?”
“No Meg, I don’t want to leave my wife.”
“If you ever want to leave your wife, I will be waiting for you, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.
“Meg, I will call you after I have another meeting with detective Sabatino.”
“Please stay, I don’t want to be alone, just stay until Betty comes home.”
“Meg, I am sure you can take care of yourself.”
“You can’t blame me for trying.”
“Meg, when we start to work with the detective,   there will be no cursing, no flirting, and no calling Charles, Chuck.”
“Okay, I will try.”
“Meg, promise me or I cannot have you working on this case, understood?”
“Yes, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.”
“Meg, you can call me Mack.”
“That’s a good thing, I like it.  Just wondering, what if Mrs. Megan Jessup.”
“Remember Meg, no flirting.”
“Yes Mack.”
As I was headed to my car, I thought I caught Meg giving me the finger but when I turned, Meg was smiling and blowing me kisses.

 A Trip to the Scene of the Crime

After conferring with Sabatino, I decide to let him know what the three have told me.
Sabatino says that nothing surprises him anymore and he knows of three crimes in Hillsborough County in which clairvoyant people have helped solved them.
If the three can go on Wednesday, I will pick them up and meet Sabatino at the apartment.
I wonder if the FBI really has an X File department.
Warren Stevens has returned from vacation but I don’t want to turn this case over to him, and I do not believe Meg would speak with him and I am set to pick up the three on Wednesday.
It has been decided that Warren will come along with me on Wednesday to see if Meg will warm up to him.
Once more, I knock on the door and the small dog starts to bark again.
John opens the door with the small dog in his arms; he hangs his head down and walks away.
Before we enter the kitchen, Meg appears and she is dressed up in a black evening dress with heels and makeup on, like she is going out for the evening.
When she sees Warren she says, “Who in the hell is this Mack?”  Thankfully, I have clued in Warren about bold and brash Meg.
After I tell Meg that this is my partner, FBI Agent Warren Stevens, Meg stands there silent.
Charles comes into the kitchen and states he is ready to pitch a good game today and looks at Warren and says, “Try and stump me with a sports question, make it really tough.”
Warren thinks momentarily and then asks Charles, “What was the first professional baseball team?”
Quickly, Charles answers, “Trick question, some say it was 1846, the New York Nine and the Knickerbockers, others will say it was 1869, the Cincinnati Red Stockings.
Did you know baseball was first mentioned in 1791?” 
“No, I did not know that Charles, if I have a sports questions I will place you on my list of go to people.”
Meg breaks her silence and tells me with a stern face, “Oh no, I am your only partner.  Warren may be a nice guy and an FBI agent but if you want this crime solved, your partner will only be me.”
After a thirty minute discussion with Meg about the benefits to having Warren as a partner, Meg gives in with, of course, certain stipulations which Meg lays out; she will decide when Warren can be involved directly with the investigation but she will allow me to go over information on the case with Warren.
Today Warren cannot be directly involved, so I will drop him off at the office before heading to the murder scene.
As Warren is ready to get into the front seat, Meg tells him to take a seat in the back as she will ride shot gun and Charles says, “Time for the kickoff.”
As Warren is leaving, he says, “Okay kids, don’t be too late getting home.”
Meg flips him the bird and Warren, not being caught off guard, sticks his tongue out at Meg, which brings her to respond with, “Hey Warren, I’ll bet you don’t know how to use that with a woman.”
I guess I’ll hear about Meg for a while at the office.
After a five minute ride, Charles tells me he has to pee and Meg says that I better find a place fast as Chuck seems to have a weak bladder.
Charles states that it is fourth down and long.
Quickly, I find a gas station but with Charles saying, “I fumbled the ball.” I know it is too late.
Meg verbally goes off on Charles, but I tell Meg that she is not helpful and we will go to a nearby Walmart and I will purchase Charles a pair of pants.  
We go into Walmart and as we are passing McDonalds, Meg tells me that she and Lilly will wait here while I purchase a pair of pants for Charles.
Meg says, “Don’t worry Mack, I am no child and I’ll take good care of Lilly.”
Hesitating, but knowing if I would insist that she come with us, Meg would probably tell me to take a long walk off of a short pier.  There are sometimes when you have to leave well enough alone.
After looking at six pairs of pants, Charles says, “Touchdown.”  I direct him into the dressing room and after about ten minutes and me prodding Charles to hurry up, Charles says, “Hey, not safe, not safe.”
When I ask Charles what the problem is, he says he needs underwear, and I tell him that it would be okay if he goes commando and Charles says that he does not know what that means, to which I reply, just put on your pants without underwear, it’s the latest fad.
Charles finally emerges from the dressing room with his pissy pants in hand and after I tell Charles to throw them away he says he cannot because they are his lucky pants.
After purchasing two beach towels so that no one will have to sit in pee, and some hand sanitizer, we are finally ready to leave except Meg has purchased Lilly a Happy Meal and tells me to cool my jets so that Lilly can finish.
After a phone call to Sabatino, who understands, Charles now wants a Happy Meal.  Meg asks Charles if he has money.  His reply, “I’m not as lucky as you Meg I don’t have a job.”
I go for my wallet and Meg tells me to put it away as she will buy Charles a happy meal and that they take care of their own.
We finally arrive after three and Sabatino is waiting for us.
We ask the three what can you see, what can you hear, and what can you sense?
Meg says, “This is the apartment where that evil bitch lived.”
Charles says, “I can still hear her.”                 
Lilly is shaking her head no and has written on her pad that she will not go into that apartment; bad, very bad. 
Meg wants me to go first as Charles says, “This touchdown is not going to be easy.”
When Meg enters, she says, “This apartment is cold and dead.”
Charles says, “I hear a woman speaking and there is a loud tick tock, tick tock.”  When I question him, he says, “It is a man who died here, ball game over, ball game over,” and walks out the door.
Sabatino asks Meg if she can give him any details, and Meg replies, “I have a boyfriend, don’t need another.”
I smile with a stupid look on my face as Sabatino is quick to catch on and replies, “Meg, since you have a boyfriend, I will not interfere.”  I am thinking please do, interfere, “I just want as many details as you can give me.”
Meg says she will go throughout the whole apartment, as long as I hold her hand, to see what she can sense and then will speak to Charles and Lilly and write the whole damn mess on paper.
Sabatino, thinking quickly, asks Meg if she and the others would like to see how a police station operates and bold, brash Meg replies, “Sure, but on these conditions; one, that you book me in like I was a criminal, two, that you lock me in a cell, three, don’t let Chuck touch any guns, and four, take us out to dinner.”
Sabatino agrees and extends his hand to consummate the deal with a hand shake, but Meg just slaps it away and grabs my hand and says, “This way,” leading us to the kitchen.
After three trips throughout the whole apartment, which I believe was only because Meg just wanted to hold my hand; Meg tells us she is done.
As we are leaving the house, Meg smiles at me and Sabatino catches her but before he can utter a word, Meg flips him off and turns to me and gives me a wink.
I wish I could say that the ride to the police station was uneventful but it was not.
Meg and Charles were at it again; Charles telling Meg that I could never love her because we are not like most people and Meg, being Meg, asks me, “How about it, lover boy, could you ever love me?”
I said, “Meg, I’m married, I love my wife,”
Meg says, “But what if you were not married or something happened to your marriage or, God forbid, your wife crashed her car and it caught fire and she burned to death, God forbid, would you love me then?”
How do I end this, as I don’t want to be mean, okay, let me be understanding, “Meg, I think you are special and kind and would make someone a great wife, but because I’m married, not me.”
“How do you mean special, special like being intellectually challenged, or special like an angel?”
Don’t mess this up and maybe I’ll be home free. “Well Meg, somehow I don’t think you think of yourself as an angel, and you are definitely special but not because you are intellectually challenged.  I believe you have a lot going for you, even more than a lot of people do.
Meg replies, “Now that was funny, FBI Agent Mack Jessup, I still believe I have a chance with you,” as Meg winks and blows a kiss at me.
So much for home free.         

The Police Station

After about an hour of Meg having her fun, being booked and placed in a cell, and Charles begging everyone with a weapon if he could hold it, Meg, Charles and Lilly sit down to give us what, hopefully, will be the answer to the Henry Blanko, Black Widow murder.
What I believe will be a cluster fuck, is surprisingly calm with, of course, Meg leading the meeting.
Meg tells Lilly to write down everything she has seen, and then asks Charles, even calling him Charles and not Chuck, to tell us what he has heard.
As Lilly writes, Charles says he heard a young woman speaking, says her name is Renee, no Cecilia, and there is a loud tick tock from the large grandfather clock which use to sit in the entry way.
Charles continues by stating this evil woman is now playing away.
Meg says she could sense that this woman may no longer be in the area, and this woman is cold hearted and has done this once before and if not stopped, will do this again and again.
Lilly has finished writing but not forgetting; never take anything away from Lilly.  I wait until Meg says that she will trade a can of pop for the paper, which Lilly agrees to by shaking her head yes.
With the trade complete, Sabatino and I look at Lilly’s paper and on it is the face of a woman; attractive, age between twenty five and thirty. On the bottom, Lilly has drawn a large ring on the ring finger of a hand with the word right, which means right hand.  Next to this drawing, the word southwest is written ten times.
After dinner, and what seemed like a long day, I take the three amigos home.  Charles and Lilly head for the house but bold, brash Meg has her own way of leaving and kisses me on my cheek.
As Meg is at the door, she yells, “I believe I still have a chance with you, FBI Agent Mack Jessup.”
I really hope this is all worth it.    

Paperwork and Profiles

Now the profiling and search of the criminal databank begins.  If the three amigos’ information is correct, it will shorten the investigation time.
On the second day of searching the criminal databank, a surprise visit from Meg.  Why it is a surprise to me, I don’t know, maybe I should be surprised that it took her until the second day to visit.
I want to send her packing, but Meg has come with gifts in hand of McDonald’s cheeseburgers and fries.  Picking up a cheeseburger, Sabatino, says “I think it may be prudent to have Meg help if she wants to.”
Sabatino gives Meg a seat at the table we have been working at and hands her a batch of photos to look at.  Naturally, Meg moves her chair next to me. 
The next day more un-surprises as Meg has not only brought more cheeseburgers and fries but has also brought Lilly and Charles.
Meg has Lilly sit next to her and tells her to look at each photo to see if any are of the evil bitch who committed this murder.     
Charles is, once more, asking if he can hold someone’s gun.
After thirty minutes, Charles is sitting at a desk and talking with a detective Marty McCann who seems to have taken Charles under his wing. This is no surprise to Sabatino as he lets me know that Marty has an eleven year old son who is also intellectually challenged.  This causes Meg to chime in stating, “See, our numbers keep increasing and some day there will be more of us than you.”
My thought is that may not be a bad thing.  Most days the intellectually challenged seem more normal than normal people and what is really normal?  
It sounded like a good idea to have Meg, Charles and Lilly picked up but we should have known better.
Sabatino made the mistake to have a rookie pick them up and on the way to the station it got chaotic.  Charles kept pestering the rookie for his weapon and Meg kept hammering him to place the siren on.  I guess it was just too much for the rookie because they pulled up to the station with the siren on and the rookie asked that he be pulled from the pickup duty.  We’ll have them picked up in a cab from now on, but it did make for an interesting rookie story.
The three amigos have chosen twelve photos but are bickering about which woman was at the apartment, and Lilly has sort of thrown a curveball into the investigation by wanting to see photos of other women criminals.
At least we can check on each of the twelve that they did choose.
We have been able to eliminate four of the twelve as they were all in prison at the time of the murder.
How could eight criminals just disappear?
The next day we get an early start and we are able to track down two of the criminals who we confirmed have died from drug overdoses; two down and six to go.
It is like a Mardi Gras party when the three amigos arrive as the whole station looks forward to their arrival.
Marty McCann has decided to take his life in his hands and is taking Charles to the weapons range.
It is only ten minutes when Lilly keeps pointing at a female photo, which turns out to be Cecilia Worthington, a twenty eight year old, who has been arrested twice for attempted murder, shop lifting, stalking and selling Oxycodone and other prescription meds.
 Lilly imitates writing on a piece of paper so Meg hands her a pen and paper and Lilly has written the words poison, travel, and murder on it.
Now I feel we are getting somewhere and our luck is getting better as we get a call from the California Corrections Department stating that Cecilia Worthington had escaped a month before the murder.
Sounds like the three amigos may have some kind of special powers; I have to find out if the FBI does have a special X File unit.
Everything is falling into place, running smooth until McCann and Charles return from the weapons range and McCann is holding his bloody side, stating it’s only a flesh wound; it’s only a flesh wound.
Crap, Charles did it as Meg proclaimed he would, he got the chance to fire a weapon and shot someone.
Sabatino instructs McCann to sit and orders an ambulance.
McCann says he has to tell Sabatino just one thing in case he does not make it and with the whole room quiet, McCann says, “Got you Sabatino, got you good.”
The whole thing was staged; no blood, just ketchup, payback for a stunt Sabatino had played on McCann during his bachelor party.  Duct taping a drunken McCann to a stripper pole at a gentlemen’s club.
McCann and the whole office knew what was going down and they erupt into laughter as Sabatino calls him a real donkey.
McCann states, “It was Charles’ idea and a good one at that.”
Meg tells Chuck, “That was not very smart, not very funny, you’re a donkey Chuck.”
This time Charles doesn’t care that Meg has called him Chuck as he is in his glory for coming up with a great payback idea.
As they say, “Paybacks are a bitch!”  
So how did Charles do?  According to McCann, he did very well and listened to every detail and followed every safety instruction.
As the day is ending, Lilly is pointing to her paper which has the words, Henry Blanko’s ring.
If I were a betting man, I would bet that Cecilia Worthington has Henry Blanko’s ring.
As all serial killers do, she took a souvenir from her victim.


With the information we have from the three amigos, we believe Cecilia Worthington has left the area, even the state, and is probably now living in the southwest.  She has probably changed her name and looks.
It is time to check the blotter to see about murders in the southwest.
Interestingly, it seems two weeks ago in Plano, Texas, a businessman had his throat cut at a seedy motel.
The police said it was probably a robbery and are now questioning known prostitutes.  An interesting fact; no finger prints or DNA found. It is like the assailant knew how to leave a crime scene and not be caught.  As luck has it, we do have a witness who states that he heard a noise and was going to go back to bed but for some unknown reason took a peak out the window and saw a blond woman in a hoodie leaving the room.  At about five feet eight inches tall, it was probably Cecilia Worthington.
At this point in time, I’m not sure if a trip to Plano would be prudent as Cecilia has probably moved on.    
I received my daily call from Meg and with interesting news; Lilly woke up and kept writing Plano, she is still there, she did it again.
It looks like this just became an FBI crime and I will be traveling to Plano, Texas.  

Plano, Texas and the Three Amigos

After a call to detective Anthony Sabatino, and telling him what Lilly had written, we will be making a trip to Plano.
Sabatino asks a question that, at first, I do not want to hear, “Maybe we should take the three amigos.”  As much as I don’t want to do it, it may be a smart thing to do.  Taking the three amigos with us could help capture Cecilia Worthington.
Ground rules, lots of ground rules, and that is what I tell Meg, who has her suitcase already packed.
When I question Meg about how she knew I would be asking her to travel, Meg says that Lilly wrote, “Pack; you, Charles and I are going to Plano. 
The airplane ride is uneventful with the exception that Charles must have asked more questions than I can count.
Meg behaved herself and not once did she go beyond a little flirtation with me.

We arrive at the Dallas, Fort Worth airport and are met by two Texas Rangers, David Cordell and Tom Winfield.

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